Day 6: A Ray of Success for Principia Solar Car at FSGP

On Thursday evening, Principia Solar Car proudly secured Second Place in the Formula Sun Grand Prix (FSGP), completing an impressive 189 laps without incurring any penalty laps. This marks a significant improvement from last year when the team faced 13 penalties.

Principia’s top competitors were ETS, which clinched First Place with 215 laps, and Illinois State, which finished Third with 149 laps. The competition was fierce, but the camaraderie among teams was even more noteworthy. Principia’s team members enjoyed bonding with other participants, lending a helping hand with various aspects of their cars, and forging lasting friendships.

A unique and memorable event occurred this year that hadn’t happened in over a decade. During each FSGP, team members volunteer as corner workers, serving as vigilant observers on the track. Equipped with blue, yellow, and red flags, these volunteers play a crucial role in maintaining safety. A blue flag signals caution, a yellow flag prohibits passing and advises slowing down, while a red flag, the rarest, commands all drivers to stop immediately.

This year’s track at NCM Motorsports Park featured a challenging section known as the “sinkhole,” a steep downhill followed by an equally steep uphill. On Thursday, at least six cars got stuck near or at the bottom of the sinkhole, blocking the road. Thanks to the quick action of the corner workers, HQ initiated a track-wide stop with the red flags, ensuring the safety of all participants.

Aside from this incident, the weather was favorable, with typical Kentucky winds and minimal cloud cover, allowing the solar cars to perform at their best. On the final day, three additional teams managed to get their solar cars onto the track and complete laps.

For the complete results, visit American Solar Challenge.

Although Principia Solar Car will not be participating in the upcoming Cross Country ASC Race starting in Tennessee, the team extends its support and best wishes to all competing teams. Principia looks forward to future challenges and successes on the solar car racing circuit.

Day 5: “The power of the Sun, in the palm of my hand”

Principia Solar Car continues to shine, ending Day 2 with an impressive 122 laps. The team holds steady in second place, trailing ETS with 141 laps and ahead of Illinois State with 96 laps.

The day was characterized by cloudy skies, rain, and strong winds. With wet roads, all the solar cars decided to slow down for safety. Despite the challenging weather, Principia’s car had no breakdowns, only stopping to pit or wait for more sunlight to emerge from the clouds. The team’s two drivers for the day, Sebastian Kyllonen and Avery Hansen, navigated these conditions with skill and caution.

Notably, five more teams made it onto the track, increasing the competition.

Thursday marks the last day of raycing, and the final report will be posted tonight. Principia Solar Car continues to demonstrate their resilience and expertise in this rayce.

Day 4: Left Turn, Right Turn, Lap after Lap…

Principia Solar Car hit the track on Tuesday morning. Despite the humid conditions, the team had an impressive first day. After the initial day of racing, Principia completed 69 laps, securing second place behind ETS with 76 laps and ahead of Illinois with 44 laps.

Unlike several teams, Principia’s car RAXI (Ra 11) experienced no car malfunctions and only had to pit for driver changes, showcasing their diligent preparation and reliable vehicle performance. Out of 32 teams, only 12 made it onto the track, highlighting the challenging conditions and rigorous competition.

Principia’s performance has qualified them for the American Solar Challenge (ASC), although they will not be participating in the event.

The team remains focused and determined, ready to take on the next two days of racing with the same dedication and spirit that brought them this far.

End of day report will be posted tonight.

To keep yourself updated on the status of each team, check out this link!

Day 3: All systems green! Ready for the Track!

Today marks a significant milestone for the Principia Solar Car team as they successfully completed all phases of scrutineering, finishing 8th out of 32 teams. This accomplishment secures their spot to start 8th on the track. The team tackled minor fixes, including adjusting lights and ensuring one driver passed the wet brake tests, wrapping up the process with ease.

The day began with an 8 AM meeting, followed by a comprehensive track tour for the drivers to familiarize themselves with all the turns and no-passing zones.

To celebrate this achievement, the team enjoyed a well-deserved dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse. However, the journey doesn’t end here. With the track ahead, the team remains committed to continuous preparation and improvement.

Principia Solar Car is now poised for the next phase, eager to showcase their dedication and hard work on the track.

Day 2: Getting Ready for the Track!

The Principia Solar Car team is on the brink of completing the rigorous scrutineering process, with only two stations left to tackle: the Lights Test and the Wet Braking Test. Once these are completed tomorrow, the team will be ready to hit the track on Tuesday, eagerly anticipating the opportunity to start racking up laps.

One of the most notable aspects of this year’s preparation is that the team is not facing any penalty laps, a significant improvement from previous years. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved, ensuring that the car meets all the necessary regulations and standards.

Scrutineering, a comprehensive inspection process, is designed to ensure that all vehicles comply with the safety and technical regulations of the competition. It is a critical phase that every team must pass before being allowed to compete on the track.

The Dynamics section of scrutineering is particularly challenging, comprising four distinct stations, each testing different aspects of the car’s performance and handling:

  1. 180-Degree Turn: The car must successfully execute a 180-degree turn within a specified diameter. This test evaluates the vehicle’s maneuverability and turning radius, crucial for navigating sharp corners and maintaining control during the race.
  2. Figure Eight Course: The team must navigate a figure eight course, aiming to complete each lap consistently in 16 seconds. This test focuses on the car’s ability to maintain speed and stability while changing directions, highlighting the driver’s skill and the vehicle’s balance.
  3. Slalom Course: The car must weave through a series of cones in under 11.5 seconds, twice. This test assesses the vehicle’s agility and precision, requiring quick and accurate steering to avoid knocking over cones.
  4. Wet Brake Test: The car must come to a complete stop within 3 seconds when traveling at approximately 30 mph on a wet surface. This test is crucial for assessing the car’s braking performance and ensuring that it can stop safely under adverse conditions.

Completing these tests successfully is no small feat, and the Principia Solar Car team has demonstrated remarkable progress and skill throughout the scrutineering process. The anticipation is building as the team looks forward to the opening of the track on Tuesday, where they will finally get the chance to showcase their hard work and dedication.

Stay tuned for updates as the Principia Solar Car team embarks on this exciting journey, aiming to achieve new milestones and push the boundaries of solar-powered racing.

Day 1 Done, 5 more to go!

Today marked an exceptional start for Principia Solar Car at scrutineering. Beginning with a comprehensive 9 am all-teams meeting, we covered the essential rules and logistics necessary for a smooth scrutineering process.

Throughout the day, we focused on optimizing our battery capacity and implementing crucial improvements, which have already started to pay off. By the end of the first day, we secured half of the required green stickers needed to qualify for track entry. We received green stickers for Array Testing, Safety, Battery Protection System, and Impound Box. We have yellow stickers for Electrical and Lights & Vision.

The remaining stations we need to clear are Mechanical, Dynamics, Body & Sizing, Driver Operations, and Driver Registration. Dynamics is the final stage before we are allowed on the track. While yellow stickers indicate that Dynamics is permitted, we need all green stickers to get on the track.

Securing this many green stickers on the very first day is a significant achievement for Principia Solar Car. In previous summers, we did not reach this level of compliance so swiftly. This progress reflects our team’s dedication, hard work, and continuous improvement.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey through scrutineering!

Kentucky, here we are!

Principia Solar Car is ready to start an amazing week of competition. Our group departed from Principia College at around 8:30 AM on Friday, enjoying a peaceful ride down to the NCM Motorsports Park track in Bowling Green, KY. This summer’s events will see 32 teams participating, including some who have traveled all the way from Canada. The track itself is a new and exciting experience for many of the teams.

Upon arrival, our team wasted no time. We quickly offloaded the trailer and got straight to work, focusing on making crucial improvements to our car. Our dedication and teamwork were evident as we worked tirelessly to fine-tune every aspect, ensuring we’re in the best possible shape for the challenges ahead.

Stay tuned for more updates as we progress through the competition. We’re eager to share our journey and achievements with you as we strive for excellence on the track.